TIP 4: Use
a Protein Shake After Training
are important for building muscle but also for other things like proper thyroid
function, which help regulate your metabolism.
Recent studies have shown that proteins contribute to the structure and
integrity of almost every part of the body and actually helps burn fat more
efficiently, and thus promoting weight loss (Westerterp-Plantenga MS
Nieuwenhuizen A. et al. 2009).
Drink a protein
shake after exercise, preferably using brown rice or hemp protein powder. You
can also add protein to your green smoothies, which helps with making you feel
full. Protein also help bring leptin
production in balance. Leptin is a hormone that has a major impact on your fat
storage. Leptin regulates energy and hunger by giving signals to the brain to
store or burn fat. Once you eat your body produces leptin, and when leptin
levels in the body reaches a certain level, it signals to your brain that you are
However, if
you are overweight usually are less sensitive to this hormone.
TIP 5:
Use at least
3 to 4 teaspoons of coconut oil per day. Coconut oil is composed of healthy, medium
chain fatty acids (MCTs), it has a beneficial effect on weight loss. Even
though it is a saturated fatty acid it transported directly to the liver where it
are converted into a form of energy. Cocnut oil is not stored as fat but
provide a supply of instant energy. are
not only stored as fat, but supply our body instant energy.
studies show that coconut oil is very good for the health of the thyroid gland.
It plays a major role in the treatment and prevention of thyroid disorders,
both in an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) as with decreased thyroid
function (hypothyroidism).
TIP 6: Body Weight Exercises
The main
reason to work out is to stimulate your
body to burn fat. The improvement in your diet will give you more energy, and will boost your fat burning machine. However, strength training using your body weigh will increase your results immensely. Check out this amazing site on body weight exercises, all you need is your body and a mat. Click Here!